
Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum.

Marketing, Video

How Video can Help a Non-Profit Grow

We get the opportunity to work with a lot of wonderful non-profits & help them share their story & grow their outreach. With a new year comes new opportunities, so we wanted to share some ways video can help a non-profit achieve their goals. By creating engaging & compelling videos, non-profits can raise awareness of their cause, attract donors & volunteers, & drive engagement with their audience.

Marketing, Video

Stay on Top of Video Marketing Trends

The explosion of online video is one of the biggest changes affecting video marketing today. Numerous studies have estimated that over 80% of all internet traffic will be video-related by 2021. On every platform, video is on the rise in a big way. Here are some of the top video […]

Production, Video

Described Video for the Visually Impaired

What is Described Video and Why Do I Need It? Described Video (DV), the sister to closed captions, is a narrated description of visual elements (typically during natural pauses in dialogue) such as surroundings, costumes, facial expressions and actions that enable a blind or low-vision audience to create a mental […]

Marketing, Video

Promoting Your Marketing Video

So you’ve got your new marketing video and you’re ready to start reaping the benefits of audience engagement, right? Actually it has just begun. As important as producing a high quality marketing video is promoting that video to get the engagement, promotion and views you’re looking for. January 2019 TechCrunch […]

Optimize video for social media
Marketing, Video

Optimizing Video For Social Media

Before you post a video / video ad to social media, it’s important to recognize that it could appear to your audience in a vast variety of formats depending on how they will access it, and where they will be viewing it from. From phones to computers, news feeds, message […]

Pasar el Feugo
Video, Production

Captioning & Subtitling Your Videos

Is your content inclusive and accessible to the maximum audience possible? Captioning and Subtitling your videos is an easy, effective way to cover all your bases. Simply put, captions are a transcription of dialogue and sounds displayed on the bottom of the screen during TV shows, movies and other video […]